All tagged judge

059 Heaven and Hell (9) Hell? Oh Why Bother?!

Why does the Church teach about hell? I will note four reasons why I believe there must be a hell, although that doesn't always make me comfortable. What is the central reason Christians have believed in hell? Are there gradations of biblical teachings that are less and more offensive? If not, why? If so, what do we do with that? During an A.D.D. break I also review the movie, "Mission Impossible: Fallout."

042 Are All Sins Equal?

Christians commonly believe that all sins are equal, but does the Bible teach that? Did Jesus teach that? Why does God command harsher punishments for some crimes/sins than others? Why did Jesus say there would be greater punishments in the life to come for some sins more so than others? In the eyes of God, is lust equal to rape? In Roman Catholicism, what are mortal and venial sins?