All tagged jokes

198 Atlas Crushed—When do You have too much Compassion?

Who's against compassion? Not me. Out of compassion God sent his Son. The Bible shows God is constantly looking to extend compassion towards us. But today's PoMo culture over-burdens millions, they are taught they need to "own" and solve all the world's problems, by themselves. How might you check to see whether your compassion pendulum has swung too far? Also in this episode: why I go to church.

173 The Cult of the Now (13) Why So Woke? The New Consciousness

Neo-Marxists are not only pushing for cultural change they're pushing for a new consciousness, a consciousness summed up in the term 'Wokeness'. What is that wokeness? From whence in the history of philosophy did it derive? How does it compare to a biblical and Christian worldview? What are work-place consciousness training sessions about? On the personal front, what singular victory did I just enjoy? Come laugh, sing, and think with me!

146 The End of the World: Coronavirus Hysteria

Why the societal freak out? Why the unprecedented hysteria? Do the facts suggust this is the worst virus to ever hit our shores? Why do I believe there is a massive over-reaction at work? What are going to be the long-term effects of this meltdown that go far beyond the impact of the virus? I wrote a song and a lovely haiku about this event that you aren't going to want to miss! Come and laugh and relax for a few minutes while we think together.

145 Wait, What? (8) Why Won't God Answer My Prayers?

If you're like me, you get frustrated when God doesn't answer your prayers the way you want him to. Even when you're praying sincerely and regularly, nothing seems to be happening. Why is that? What kind of microcosmic and macrocosmic factors play into that? Is God indifferent? Is he unable? I also address the question of whether prayer is control. And along the way I discuss how I use the Lord's Prayer in my own prayer life. Come, laugh and think with me!

144 Wait, What? (7) Is the New Testament Reliable?

The now-common meme says, "the New Testament is a phony construction, the product of men who got together after Jesus' death and conspired to hoodwink us all." I work through multiple layers of history and truth to expose that trope for just what it is: a time-worn meme. In this episode I also describe a new species of being I've encountered in Idaho. Come think and laugh with me!

001 Why This Podcast?

The U.U.’s maiden voyage, this episode explains what the Uncensored Unprofessor, Dr. Ed Rybarczyk, intends for his podcasts. He gives explanations of why he's starting a podcast and why Christians, and other interested folk, need to think more deeply in our volatile historic era are given. Too many believers are afraid, or feel guilty, to express their doubts. Why is this? What can we do about it? Rybarczyk also discusses the topics he wants to cover in future episodes.