All tagged human nature

262 Guns

Over the years until I finished high school there had been one mass school shooting in America. Since 1999 there have been fourteen. So what has changed? What does the Bible say about our agency, human rights, governmental power, and human nature? Which has caused more misery in human history, nature or governments? What about pacifism? What about "turn the other cheek"? Why are political leaders wanting to outlaw guns? Let's employ wisdom to think through this volatile issue.

231 Why Does the Constitution Matter? A Conversation with Dr. Darren Guerra (2)

How did America's Founders' biblical understanding of human nature play into the way they framed the Constitution? How do the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence work together? If he showed up today what would James Madison be most proud of, and most disappointed about, regarding what has happened to what they founded? Is Covid being handled well according to the Constitution? Professor Darren Guerra helps us think through these knotty questions.

221 Adam's Passive Pose and Playing the Fiddle

Michelangelo's painting of creation on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel is genius not only for its artistic composition but its psychological insight. I take Michelangelo's insights and combine those with Nero playing his fiddle while Rome is burning. Oh, and I tell an exciting tale of victory in a recent league golf match. Come laugh and think with me!

151 We're Stuck in Human Nature!

I'm caught in an existential sandwich between numbness and irritation. What has led to this state of being? What truly frightens me about our response to COVID? I've coined a new word—slotch—to capture governmental over-reach, administrative gobbledy-gook, and managerial nonsense. And because we have all endured it, I even sing a song about slotch. Still more, what does both Animal Farm and the Bible teach us about human nature? Come laugh and think with me.

047 The Reformation Did WHAT to Beauty?

500 years ago the Reformation took a big billy club to beauty, nearly eliminating beauty from the Christian way of life. Why did that happen? Was it justified? Was it a good thing? Oh, and, what are the effects of the Reformation on our practice of Christianity today? What should we take, and what should we reject, from the Reformation? Lacking art in our churches, are we contemporary believers any less guilty of idolatry than ages past? This is part 3 in my 4-part series on Beauty.

031 Paul—Romans, Corinthians, 1 Timothy

The apostle Paul in Romans 1 is quite pointed about the violation he witnessed in his Gentile context. What did he see? What did he mean? Was he consistent with Jewish teaching thereon? Was he concerned with temple prostitution? Was he worried about cultural violations? What in the world did Paul mean in these passages? Did he go beyond what Jesus had taught? Let’s consider a foundational passage for a Christian worldview on sexuality.

030 Paul and Sex - His Gentile Context

What was the world like when the apostle Paul was writing? Was he naive about the sexuality at work then? Was he able or not to make distinctions between behaviors and orientations? This episode will examine a trove of historical data to clarify what the ancients did and did not know or understand about human sexuality. I will also explain why this information matters for contemporary Christianity and Christian ethics.

028 Genesis and Sex - A Profound Mystery

Atheism, scientism, and nihilism—because they lack imagination— all fail to give a sufficient account of what it means to be human. The Bible, starting in Genesis, gives us a towering view of what it means to be human, but foundationally roots that in our maleness and femaleness. In mysterious and beautiful ways, we mirror the Triune God. But how is that possible? Is God 1/2 male and 1/2 female? Come and think with me.

014 Faith vs. Reason (13) Why Do I Believe? Side A

Why am I a Christian? Just why do I believe? This is the first half of a two-part delineation of why I embrace the Christian worldview. I speak variously to spiritual, existential, and philosophical issues that are profound for me. To that end I describe an automobile accident I was in, why and that beauty is so gripping to me, and what the Bible has to say about human nature.

010 Faith vs. Reason (9) Reason Submits to Faith

Amazingly, reason cannot stand on its own. An unbounded reason often turns into a bone-crushing monster. For example, in some cultures it is reasonable to euthanize the mentally handicapped, or treat women as less than fully human. So, reason needs faith. The problem is that our Post-Cartesian society has made us swallow the blue pill of blindness, of blind faith. Jesus Christ offers us the red pill of reality, reality filled with truth, meaning, and grace. Let me show you some ways that faith informs Christian reasoning.