All tagged homosexual

034 Transgenderism - Agenda Contradictions

The sexual revolution is moving ahead full-steam. Homosexual rights have morphed into transgender rights. How long has the transgender movement been around? Who is promoting it? What actual steps are taken in transgender morphing? What does a child undergo to change gender? What philosophy is driving transgenderism? What are some of its blatant contradictions? Whereas compassion is needed for many issues, it's a good time to stop and assess this totalizing movement. It is going to hurt women, most of all.

033 Homosexuality and Pastoral Suggestions

Christians seem leery of talking about homosexuality. And so they usually just get swept up by the larger cultural trends. Yet, Jesus called us to an often difficult way of life, one characterized by grace and truth. How do we live that out? How should Christians show love on sensitive matters? For instance, should one go to a homosexual wedding? What is the core issue for one's identity: sexuality or Christ? Or, can one be a Christian and a homosexual? Are people born gay? Is it possible that one's homosexual temptations are one's cross to bear? Is it wrong to have feelings for someone of the same sex? I ask and answer several uncomfortable questions in this episode.

030 Paul and Sex - His Gentile Context

What was the world like when the apostle Paul was writing? Was he naive about the sexuality at work then? Was he able or not to make distinctions between behaviors and orientations? This episode will examine a trove of historical data to clarify what the ancients did and did not know or understand about human sexuality. I will also explain why this information matters for contemporary Christianity and Christian ethics.