All tagged homelessness

278 The Queen's Death

On Thursday, September 8, 2022 Queen Elizabeth died. I watched the long parade-drive to Windsor Castle and have, for 2+ weeks, been listening to her funerary music. How did that touch me? What stood out to me? How does it point to the Parousia of Christ himself? I also muse about Youtube censorship, Alex Berenson's legal victory, the state of Texas vs. media censorship, and share more about a corporate churchly bearing/presence vis-a-vis culture.

166 The Cult of the Now (6) Word Games and Reality

Words are powerful. We shape both reality and ourselves with words. So it's interesting to me that Marxist shibboleths (insider religious code words) are more like word-clouds and less like specifically defined terms. Why is that? In this episode I work through several shibboleths and expose them. We need to understand some of what is going on in society. Oh, and I also describe what it is like to be the owner of a new puppy!