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155 The Grand Mystery: Trinity (2) Plug n Play Jesus? Ancient Struggles

"Trinitarian doctrine is a capitulation to Greek philosophy." So goes the standard critique. But is that true? Actually? Nope. Amazingly, the ancient church resisted Greek constructions of truth by developing Trinitarian worship. In this episode I explore that ancient Greek context as well as clarify who and what the ancient—biblically committed—Church pushed back against. The gist of it all? Jesus was not a plug n' play construction of truth. Jesus shatters all pre-existing categories and constructions!

066 The Shape of The Soul

The human soul is not hard-wired, it gets shaped. Two authors I just read argue that our souls get shaped more by the western marketplace than by Christianity. How does that happen? What goes into that? Are they simply irritated with capitalism? Should we be? And then, what shapes your soul? Are you being intentional? Have you ever met beautiful souls? How can we go about shaping our souls?

042 Are All Sins Equal?

Christians commonly believe that all sins are equal, but does the Bible teach that? Did Jesus teach that? Why does God command harsher punishments for some crimes/sins than others? Why did Jesus say there would be greater punishments in the life to come for some sins more so than others? In the eyes of God, is lust equal to rape? In Roman Catholicism, what are mortal and venial sins?