All tagged future

148 Ouch! This Vaccine Hurts!

We've been mandated to swallow a societal vaccine. What are some of the trade-offs involved? How is the topic of worldview involved? What is some of the collateral damage involved? Might the required vaccine actually be worse than the disease? How so? I tell a joke and sing a song and try to think out loud with you about questions I'm not much hearing in public. Come, think and reason with me.

059 Heaven and Hell (9) Hell? Oh Why Bother?!

Why does the Church teach about hell? I will note four reasons why I believe there must be a hell, although that doesn't always make me comfortable. What is the central reason Christians have believed in hell? Are there gradations of biblical teachings that are less and more offensive? If not, why? If so, what do we do with that? During an A.D.D. break I also review the movie, "Mission Impossible: Fallout."

058 Heaven and Hell (8) Eschaton Gravy

Part 2 of a reflection on the Eschaton, this episode builds on both biblical teachings and foundational elements for human nature to imagine what life after the Resurrection will be like. How will it be new? Totally new? Will you still be you? Will we be able to grow in the afterlife, or will we be frozen by our current identity? Will we be creative? Will we work or play, or neither? And what about time? Will it be entirely eliminated by the eternity of God? What do I want to do for my first 1000 years there?

023 Why Does Morality Matter? (4) The Role of Eschatology

What was Jesus about? How did eschatology define both he and his ministry? If Christianity is about going to heaven when we die, why does morality even matter? Jesus was stunningly oriented to eschatology (end-life, after-life) and eschatological themes. These themes still matter today for those of us who follow the risen one. Christian morality is inseparable from eschatological underpinnings.