All tagged friendship

207 Confronting Death: A Conversation with Pastor Mitchell

Sixteen years ago Michael Mitchell fought off cancer. Five years ago it returned. He's been battling with it, off and on, but is now confronted with two-to-four months to live. By having him on the show again I want to honor both he and his ministry, but also talk with him about a topic mostly avoided in our culture: death. What would he have us consider? What is important in such a critical season? How does one keep one's sense of humor through all that. Come and join us in a poignant and important conversation.

In this conversation with my son, John, we explore the topics of money and cultural relevance. Low churches face the conundrum of needing large donors but not wanting to be controlled by those same donors. How should they go about walking that dicey tightrope? And then, everyone wants to be culturally relevant, so how might Low churches seek relevancy without losing their souls, on the one hand, or seeming like cloistered cults, on the other? Tough questions that deserve our consideration.