All tagged felons

210 Different Ways to Read the Bible

Many believers get stuck in their Bible reading. They want to do what is right and want to hear from the Lord, but because they only read in one set way they get stuck, and frustrated. I work through 5 different ways to change-up your reading method and tell some personal stories along the way. I also offer up an analysis of our societal chaos and sing a new ditty for your informational pleasure! :)

151 We're Stuck in Human Nature!

I'm caught in an existential sandwich between numbness and irritation. What has led to this state of being? What truly frightens me about our response to COVID? I've coined a new word—slotch—to capture governmental over-reach, administrative gobbledy-gook, and managerial nonsense. And because we have all endured it, I even sing a song about slotch. Still more, what does both Animal Farm and the Bible teach us about human nature? Come laugh and think with me.