All tagged fear

187 The Inconsistent Illogicalities of 2020

2020 will go down in infamy. What on earth is going on? I work through 47 frequently-humorous ironies from 2020 to point out how absurd life is becoming in America. In the show's beginning I also mention why I left a tenured professor position and whether I buy the "great global reset" conspiracy theories. What do the forces of darkness want out of all this?

149 Chasing the Dragon: More COVID Reflections

What are some common things that have led to vast societal fear about Coronavirus? What's the apparent tell-tale sign of infection? When is societal freedom more important than our safety? What's now wrong with the early predictive models? How has the media fostered our chaos? Do I believe God is causing this? And what are herd mentality and herd immunity? Come reason and laugh with me in a time of terror.

131 Advent (3) Joy, Wonder, Shepherds

The Shepherds heard an angel, saw a heavenly angelic host, and they were afraid! Is fear of God healthy? For how long? Moreover, Jesus is a man of wonder. His coming is wondrous! So how can we practice wonder? And why does wonder transcend our intellect? Come, and like human tea-bags let us steep our identities in the peace-filled identity of Christ!