All tagged faith

213 Six Reasons I am Not Now Getting the C19 Vaccine

Many folks have good personal reasons to get a Covid shot. Herein I work through six reasons why I am not, for now, getting an injection. I also explain some of the biases and limitations at work in science and how those have played out, or not, during the Coronavirus mess. What has concerned me? What about our context has made me leery throughout? Come think with me. Or come disagree with me!

189 Science-Y Stuff (2) Wisdom and DNA

What elements comprise a cell? How many human cells are there? What does the complexity of a cell suggest about the origins of life on earth? How many scientific articles explain life's beginnings from a bio-molecular level? What does Scripture say about wisdom and creation? Is God an artistic show off? In this episode I weave together biblical wisdom and scientific evidence to help explore the wonders of life itself. Come laugh and pray with me!

143 Wait, What? (6) Did Paul corrupt Jesus' simple message and construct Christianity?

A now-common take: Paul corrupted the simple and loving message of Jesus. Jesus was about care of neighbor while Paul infected that ethic with religion. So Paul is the one who established traditional, and now passé, Christianity. But was Paul really different from Jesus? How was Paul true to Jesus? The answers could build or wreck Christian faith. And my invisible conversation partner suggusts we publish a pink lettered bible: Jesus’ words about inclusion, diversity, tolerance and not hurting other people’s feelings all in pink.

141 Wait, What? (4) Do I Have Enough Faith?

Part 4 in my hard questions series. Is my faith pure enough? Good enough? Sincere enough? These are common questions in our confusing era. But what does the Bible have to say to us about faith in God? How should we process the Bible's warnings? Also in this episode I speak personally about the soaring cost of higher education. To whom and where has all that moolah gone?

017 Faith vs. Reason (15) Finale

Christians run reason through a sieve of faith, but that in no way cancels out reason. Faith welcomes reason! Even more, faith makes room for doubt! It is true, yes, that God is far greater than reason, but he comes to us in ways that reason welcomes and embraces. In this episode I tell the stories about the first college class I ever taught and about sharing my faith with my mom. I also explore a recent neuroscientist's book on Near Death Experiences.

010 Faith vs. Reason (9) Reason Submits to Faith

Amazingly, reason cannot stand on its own. An unbounded reason often turns into a bone-crushing monster. For example, in some cultures it is reasonable to euthanize the mentally handicapped, or treat women as less than fully human. So, reason needs faith. The problem is that our Post-Cartesian society has made us swallow the blue pill of blindness, of blind faith. Jesus Christ offers us the red pill of reality, reality filled with truth, meaning, and grace. Let me show you some ways that faith informs Christian reasoning.

007 Faith vs. Reason (6) What is Faith?

Perplexingly, the Bible's undergirding presupposition is Faith. But, just what is faith? How should we define it? And, how does the Bible prove faith? Or, to what did Jesus appeal in order to "prove" himself and his identity? Similarly, how do we explain or prove a miracle? How does faith manifest in everyday life? This episode also contains a movie review.

006 Faith vs. Reason (5) The Bible's View of Reality

We are bombarded with daily instructions to doubt all of reality. Contrastingly, the Bible shows us that we simply must begin with faith. Jesus himself called for faith, faith in him and his message. But there can be no appeal greater than God himself, and in this episode I will explore the logic of why that is the case. In the end, believers are called to exhibit humble confidence or a confident humility. Oh, and I share some of my own faith-journey.

005 Faith vs. Reason (4) Sheeple

Scientists believe, passionately! To do their work they simply must be committed to their own discipline's knowledge. Michael Polanyi, himself a chemist, shows us that it is impossible to believe anything meaningful without commitment. I dare you to ask yourself, and others, questions. Jesus asked uncomfortable questions. All of this is because it is not healthy to be a sheeple!

004 Faith vs. Reason (3) Is Science based on Pure Reason?

Are Scientists only objective? Is religious faith unusual? Well, we are taught daily that science is based on pure reason. But in this episode, following Michael Polanyi as our guide, I will show that actually science involves great subjectivity. Moreover, the doing of science involves trust, that is faith, risk, and commitment; qualities that are normally relegated to the world of religious faith.

003 Faith vs. Reason (2) Religion and Facts and Trust

The standard mantra goes, “faith is for religion, facts are for science.” But the truth is huge chunks of our everyday lives are lived by faith. You don't know how electricity works, but you trust the people who do, and you trust who built your appliances, wired your house. It takes faith to learn how to play the guitar. Faith, then, is not so unusual as we think. This episode also contains a movie review.