All tagged eternity

158 Trinity (5) A Study of Two Famous Paintings

We can learn through different mediums. Herein we examine two preeminent paintings from history: Luca Signorelli's "Anti-Christ" and Andrei Rublev's "Trinity." What insights do these two geniuses show us about human nature, about reality, about our mysterious God? Furthermore, what do these two painters, each of whom lived over 500 years ago, tell us about our current national crisis? 

157 Trinity (4) Incarnation and the Temple of God

Temple is a biblical category much overlooked by Evangelicals and Charismatics. How does Temple play into the New Testament's portrayal of Jesus, or of Jesus as God's Son, or of what God's new and fresh covenant is about? Still more, what does Temple suggest about our own selves? Come, let us worshipfully turn our brains on for the glory of the living God!

054 Heaven and Hell (4) The New Testament on Heaven

To a first-century Jew, what was profoundly mind-blowing about the timing of Jesus' resurrection? What does the New Testament witness to about Jesus' resurrection? Was his body the same? Did he appear only as a spirit? What does his resurrection mean for the resurrection of you and me? If the resurrection happens at the moment of death, what is going on with all the cemeteries in the world? Come and think with your brain such that your heart will be filled with hope!