All tagged economics

295 Shotgun: St. Musk?, Archetypal Amy Grant

This show's four themes: a) Elon Musk, b) me being 61-and-a-half, c) how Anglicanism compares to Catholicism, and, d) Amy Grant's version of Christianity. Why do some want to nominate Elon Musk for American sainthood? What has been thrown into relief for me as I've been doing my daily bible readings from the church lectionary these last 5 years? How is Anglicanism different from Catholicism? And how does music star Amy Grant represent a massive cultural shift inside of low-church Christianity? What does her archetypal perspective do to Christian mission? Come think and laugh with me!

275 Climate Change (12) The Poorest of the Poor

Climate Change is expensive. $370 billion dollars just passed by the Democrats shows us just how expensive it really is. So how do those policies impact the indigent? And stemming from that why did the Progressives trade the poor—their ardent concern in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s—for today's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion? What do we learn from that trade? I also think aloud about how economics works like spider webs. This is complicated and sensitive stuff but we can chuckle and smile as we think it through.

149 Chasing the Dragon: More COVID Reflections

What are some common things that have led to vast societal fear about Coronavirus? What's the apparent tell-tale sign of infection? When is societal freedom more important than our safety? What's now wrong with the early predictive models? How has the media fostered our chaos? Do I believe God is causing this? And what are herd mentality and herd immunity? Come reason and laugh with me in a time of terror.