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160 Trinity (7) Trinity: the Ethical Engine for Life

Trinitarian reality is not some esoteric doctrine, it has implications for both public and private life. Herein I give some examples of how the character of God—an eternal unity in diversity—is the ethical foundation for our own lives, for society. I also take a few moments to talk about the meaning of the public presence of the Church and why that matters. Come think and laugh with me.

141 Wait, What? (4) Do I Have Enough Faith?

Part 4 in my hard questions series. Is my faith pure enough? Good enough? Sincere enough? These are common questions in our confusing era. But what does the Bible have to say to us about faith in God? How should we process the Bible's warnings? Also in this episode I speak personally about the soaring cost of higher education. To whom and where has all that moolah gone?

The too-common Christian assertion is that in light of Jesus the Old Testament law is no longer effective, or necessary. But is that really what Jesus taught? Is that what the apostolic community espoused? Were Jesus and Paul the apostle on the same page about the OT law? Or furthermore, if those Old Testament laws are meaningful, how is that the case? What should Christians believe and do about the Law? (I also weigh in on the Joe Biden touching controversy.)

067 Is God's Love Really Unconditional?

Unconditional love. It is a slogan, thrown around like a frisbee. Is it biblical? If so, what does it mean? Does it mean God loves sinners? Does it mean that, no matter what, God will still seek relationship with us? What is the nature, the root, of God's love? And more, does God only love us for who we are today? Or is the future of that relationship somehow at stake?
In this episode I also welcome the listeners from 13 new countries!