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230 Were America's Founders Christian? A Conversation with Dr. Darren Guerra (1)

In this conversation with Political Science professor Darren Guerra I ask, were the Founders Christian? Or better, how were they? What were they doing with their faith that is so lacking in the contemporary Church? What is presentism and how does it shape people's assessment of history? What were the Founders' core commitments about being human? What did they borrow from Greek philosophy to build society? Why do core principles matter so much? And, why oh why did they value the Old Testament so much?

225 What Comprises a Christian Worldview? (4) Joe, Strategy, Justice

Stemming from God's character—perfect love permeated with pure holiness—Christians celebrate justice. Pertinent for today, we have to ask how that compares with a Postmodern sense of justice. So for example, if society is undergoing a "new rising consciousness" how should Christians process justice? I also reflect on Joe Biden's recent vaccine mandate speech and strategize about how to dialogue with a Postmodernist.