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362 Refuse Their Terms!

Because I taught college for 25 years I'm tracking the devolution of Pro-Hamas rallies on university campusi. But it wasn't that which provoked this show's one-off reflection. No, instead it was a couple articles in my denomination's quarterly ministers' magazine that smacked me upside the head. They accepted the premise. Accepted the definitions and premises of a progressive framing of reality. Uncritically, they took progressive (woke) terms and tried to run them through a Christian-coffee-filter in order to flavor (or baptize) those terms and make them Christian. In this episode I explain what is happening to pastors and churches who try to Christian-baptize progressive terms and premises. I also reflect on the recent water baptism of actor Russell Brand. Beautifully so, Brand seems to have been red-pilled not only by the madness of our era but by the work of the Holy Spirit. So come and think with me, laugh with me, and reflect with me on what being Christian means in our 21st century and its context.

242 Reading Cars and Evil Societal Patterns

During my four years of high school I worked for a gas station-car wash. Across those years I learned to recognize the shapes, designs, and colors of every car manufacturer. Seeing only a tail-light I could tell you the brand. Life itself is comprised of patterns and shapes such that when we see even one element of a form we know what the larger pattern is. What does that mean for reading today's devolving culture? What does our current Gestalt tell us about the rampant evils at work in society?