All tagged angels

158 Trinity (5) A Study of Two Famous Paintings

We can learn through different mediums. Herein we examine two preeminent paintings from history: Luca Signorelli's "Anti-Christ" and Andrei Rublev's "Trinity." What insights do these two geniuses show us about human nature, about reality, about our mysterious God? Furthermore, what do these two painters, each of whom lived over 500 years ago, tell us about our current national crisis? 

131 Advent (3) Joy, Wonder, Shepherds

The Shepherds heard an angel, saw a heavenly angelic host, and they were afraid! Is fear of God healthy? For how long? Moreover, Jesus is a man of wonder. His coming is wondrous! So how can we practice wonder? And why does wonder transcend our intellect? Come, and like human tea-bags let us steep our identities in the peace-filled identity of Christ!

056: Heaven and Hell (6) Heaven: The Intermediate State

When believers die do they immediately experience the resurrection? Is there a resurrection of the soul without the body? What is the intermediate state, is it purgatory? Does the bible teach about the intermediate state? Does the soul experience reincarnation? Is there consciousness after death? Will we be able to physically touch each other in the afterlife? What does the bible mean when it says those who are dead are "asleep"? Are the unrighteous punished before they go to hell?