All tagged Trump

173 The Cult of the Now (13) Why So Woke? The New Consciousness

Neo-Marxists are not only pushing for cultural change they're pushing for a new consciousness, a consciousness summed up in the term 'Wokeness'. What is that wokeness? From whence in the history of philosophy did it derive? How does it compare to a biblical and Christian worldview? What are work-place consciousness training sessions about? On the personal front, what singular victory did I just enjoy? Come laugh, sing, and think with me!

172 The Cult of the Now (12) Marxism in the Land of Icons

We here in America are witnessing an energetic push for cultural revolution. But it is not new. It's happened before. What lessons can we draw from Russia, a land that had been suffused with Christian values? What did Marxism and its culture change do the Russian church? What was the decided strategy for undoing and replacing the church? What should critically minded believers learn from all that?

169 The Cult of the Now (9) Justice vs. Social Justice

We hear it from daily news coverage. We hear it from crowds chanting in the streets. Professors ubiquitously use it in lectures: social justice. Just what is social justice? What caused the phrase to arise? When did it first arise? What are its philosophical premises? Why are BLM and Antifa getting so much media attention and moral cover? What does the Bible have to say about justice? And who does the Bible blame for racism? Come, let us reason together.

134 2019 Year in U.U. Review

What was the best movie of 2019? Worst? My favorite reads of 2019? Worst? What were the biggest international stories from 2019? What was the U.U.’s most and least listened to episodes of 2019? What do I think about the impeachment of Donald Trump? What was the highest grossing musical tour of the year? And then, what about college life in 2019? Why are college students so depressed? Let’s look back together.