All tagged Thomas Jefferson

231 Why Does the Constitution Matter? A Conversation with Dr. Darren Guerra (2)

How did America's Founders' biblical understanding of human nature play into the way they framed the Constitution? How do the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence work together? If he showed up today what would James Madison be most proud of, and most disappointed about, regarding what has happened to what they founded? Is Covid being handled well according to the Constitution? Professor Darren Guerra helps us think through these knotty questions.

174 The Cult of the Now (14) Caring for the Poor

Significant for the shape of our nation is care for the poor. What did Jesus model and teach that we can implement in our strategies today? What has America, and Christians inside America, done for the poor over some 230 years? What do Marxists want for the poor? How we frame the issue is foundational for how we will go about trying to address the issue. Let's move past shouting and think together.