All tagged SCOTUS

265 Climate Change (2) Cold. No, hot! Wait! (Alarmism)

When I was in high school a few teachers warned us of a looming ice age. Then for a couple decades we heard dire warnings of global warming. Today? It's a matter of climate change. Along the way what changed to cause the shift in terminology? And, as we think of it, on what does climate change science rest, computer models? I also reflect on the implications of the recent SCOTUS ruling about abortion. Come think and laugh with me!

258 The Spiritual World (12) Hell's Gates Shall Not Prevail

Jesus, "you nailed that one, Peter! And on this rock I will build my Church." There is a long-standing Roman Catholic interpretation of that as well as an established Protestant interpretation of that seminal verse. In light of the Paleo-Hebrew worldview is it possible that Jesus' assertion meant something still different? Let's think through this together. I also reflect on the recent SCOTUS leak concerning Roe v. Wade.

253 The Spiritual World (7) Demonization of the Land

Beginning with the ziggurat of Babel—the first Empire state building— in Genesis 11 the Bible shows us repeatedly that different spiritual entities (1 Enoch called them archons) rule(d) over different geographic areas. God abandoned those areas, those nations, to the little "g" gods when he established the nations at Babel. Jesus Christ took captive those "g"ods and brings reconciliation to the nations. So how can we discern the presence and influence of these beings?

160 Trinity (7) Trinity: the Ethical Engine for Life

Trinitarian reality is not some esoteric doctrine, it has implications for both public and private life. Herein I give some examples of how the character of God—an eternal unity in diversity—is the ethical foundation for our own lives, for society. I also take a few moments to talk about the meaning of the public presence of the Church and why that matters. Come think and laugh with me.