All tagged Rybarczyk

164 The Cult of the Now (4) Morally Re-framing a Soft Coup

Most coups are local and violent over-throws of rulers. Soft coups involve a gradual, incremental, willing handing over of power. Are we in the midst of a soft coup? Sure looks like it. So how'd we get here? What is the strategy that has brought us to this historic crux? Answer: a massive societal loss of nerve, a loss of nerve driven by a moral re-structuring. In this episode I relate all of this to my own golf game. Weird things happen when you lose your nerve!

163 The Cult of the Now (3) Pushing the Historical Pendulum with Marx

Today's civil unrest is not a simple racial dichotomizing dynamic. The impetus, the drive, the energy is very particular: Marxist ideology. Specifically, we are witnessing the results of a sixty-some year long moral re-wiring of society. We've gone from personal morality to societal morality following the class structures of Karl Marx. A moral vacuum was created and guess what rushed in to fill it? White Guilt. Come think with me about what white guilt means and why millions feel vaguely guilty.

160 Trinity (7) Trinity: the Ethical Engine for Life

Trinitarian reality is not some esoteric doctrine, it has implications for both public and private life. Herein I give some examples of how the character of God—an eternal unity in diversity—is the ethical foundation for our own lives, for society. I also take a few moments to talk about the meaning of the public presence of the Church and why that matters. Come think and laugh with me.

159 Trinity (6) The Trinitarian Basis of Reality

Creation echoes and mirrors God's own self. How is that so? I work through dynamics like finding meaning, reality versus thin copies, community, patterns, ecology, unity, diversity, and beauty. Building from the theological concept of panentheism I show what a mystery, a beautiful mystery, everything in life is. Nothing is eliminated by virtue of its group or species. So amazing!

158 Trinity (5) A Study of Two Famous Paintings

We can learn through different mediums. Herein we examine two preeminent paintings from history: Luca Signorelli's "Anti-Christ" and Andrei Rublev's "Trinity." What insights do these two geniuses show us about human nature, about reality, about our mysterious God? Furthermore, what do these two painters, each of whom lived over 500 years ago, tell us about our current national crisis? 

155 The Grand Mystery: Trinity (2) Plug n Play Jesus? Ancient Struggles

"Trinitarian doctrine is a capitulation to Greek philosophy." So goes the standard critique. But is that true? Actually? Nope. Amazingly, the ancient church resisted Greek constructions of truth by developing Trinitarian worship. In this episode I explore that ancient Greek context as well as clarify who and what the ancient—biblically committed—Church pushed back against. The gist of it all? Jesus was not a plug n' play construction of truth. Jesus shatters all pre-existing categories and constructions!

153 Damaging the Frequency of Freedom

Life is a matter of frequency, of attunement, of stimmung (in German). How we attune ourselves, how we tune our frequency, greatly determines the quality of our lives. What kinds of things have entered the American frequency that have cloyed both a biblical and an American understanding of freedom? What Beatles song do I sing to make my point? Come think and laugh with me.

152 How to Abide in Christ—Josh Houston Conversation

In John 15 Jesus commands us to abide in him. What does that mean? Talking with Josh Houston, author of The Abiding Life, we work through what it means to be a disciple and abide in Christ. What crisis led to Josh writing his book? How does American culture press down upon Christian discipleship? Why do I wish I had a spiritual mentor? And what does that even mean? How do the three centers of human wiring—Control, Security, and Esteem—play into our walk with Christ? This is good and intimate reflection!

150 How the Mouse snuck in—Disney and Christian Culture

Christians tend to assess movies by the number of swear words or exposed body parts. That all the while we ignore the power of story to shape, twist, bend, and re-make our imaginations. Samuel Lively explains how Disney studios uses story to entirely supplant a Christian perspective on life. We focus on Frozen 2 and how it bends a Christian worldview to shape little girls' imaginations. I learned much from Samuel. You will, too!

148 Ouch! This Vaccine Hurts!

We've been mandated to swallow a societal vaccine. What are some of the trade-offs involved? How is the topic of worldview involved? What is some of the collateral damage involved? Might the required vaccine actually be worse than the disease? How so? I tell a joke and sing a song and try to think out loud with you about questions I'm not much hearing in public. Come, think and reason with me.

147 Wait, What? (9) I'm Not Feelin It!

Our emotional experiences are memorable, formative. So we naturally think they are foundational to our own story. On top of that? Culture prods us to embrace and emphasize emotions. What does all that do to our Christian walk? What are some practical steps for being bigger than, and less influenced by, our emotions? Join me for a bit of thinking, some laughter, and some ways out of being mere sock puppets!

146 The End of the World: Coronavirus Hysteria

Why the societal freak out? Why the unprecedented hysteria? Do the facts suggust this is the worst virus to ever hit our shores? Why do I believe there is a massive over-reaction at work? What are going to be the long-term effects of this meltdown that go far beyond the impact of the virus? I wrote a song and a lovely haiku about this event that you aren't going to want to miss! Come and laugh and relax for a few minutes while we think together.

145 Wait, What? (8) Why Won't God Answer My Prayers?

If you're like me, you get frustrated when God doesn't answer your prayers the way you want him to. Even when you're praying sincerely and regularly, nothing seems to be happening. Why is that? What kind of microcosmic and macrocosmic factors play into that? Is God indifferent? Is he unable? I also address the question of whether prayer is control. And along the way I discuss how I use the Lord's Prayer in my own prayer life. Come, laugh and think with me!

144 Wait, What? (7) Is the New Testament Reliable?

The now-common meme says, "the New Testament is a phony construction, the product of men who got together after Jesus' death and conspired to hoodwink us all." I work through multiple layers of history and truth to expose that trope for just what it is: a time-worn meme. In this episode I also describe a new species of being I've encountered in Idaho. Come think and laugh with me!

143 Wait, What? (6) Did Paul corrupt Jesus' simple message and construct Christianity?

A now-common take: Paul corrupted the simple and loving message of Jesus. Jesus was about care of neighbor while Paul infected that ethic with religion. So Paul is the one who established traditional, and now passé, Christianity. But was Paul really different from Jesus? How was Paul true to Jesus? The answers could build or wreck Christian faith. And my invisible conversation partner suggusts we publish a pink lettered bible: Jesus’ words about inclusion, diversity, tolerance and not hurting other people’s feelings all in pink.

142 Wait, What? (5) Is Beauty Truly Real?

Is beauty only in the eye of the beholder or does beauty factually exist? Lord Zeitgeist the uglifier teaches us to block out the existence of beauty, and I give some examples of how IT does this. What does graffiti do to people's experience of reality? How does graffiti mirror the diseased nature of society's soul? Why does beauty require a sensitive soul, a patient soul? What is a mere aesthetic? And how is beauty inextricably woven with goodness? Take some time to consider this critical Christian topic with me!

141 Wait, What? (4) Do I Have Enough Faith?

Part 4 in my hard questions series. Is my faith pure enough? Good enough? Sincere enough? These are common questions in our confusing era. But what does the Bible have to say to us about faith in God? How should we process the Bible's warnings? Also in this episode I speak personally about the soaring cost of higher education. To whom and where has all that moolah gone?

139 Wait, What? (3) Women Fighting for Christian Truth?

How can you get your kids to think critically about Christianity? What are apologetics? How might believers go about standing for truth in our emotion-driven society? What are compassionate compromisers and terrifying truth tellers? What's it like to be a woman doing apologetics from a conservative wing in the church? This is my delightful interview of Hillary Morgan Ferrer, general editor and author of Mama Bear Apologetics.

138 Wait, What? (2) All Religions Are the Same?

We are meme-barded with the following, "all religions are just different paths to the same mountain top," "all religions want salvation," and "all religions are mystical at heart." But when we look carefully do those hold up? What two facets of western life drive all those memes? What is the de-facto western religion? Let's laugh together even while we process carefully. This is part two of my series on questions that can wreck faith.