All tagged Rephaim

251 Spiritual World (5) Giants and the Netherworld

The common Christian expectation is that final judgment awaits the end of history. That's not bad, but the Bible sees judgment at work now in life. Even corrupted "sons of God", immoral angels, have already been judged and taken somewhere. This episode explores what 1 Enoch, Jesus, Peter, and Jude all say about the matter. I also offer reflections on the movie "Idiocracy" and the war in Ukraine. Come laugh and think with me!

052 Heaven and Hell (2) Old Testament Death and Afterlife

What did the ancient Hebrews believe about death and the afterlife? What was their emphasis? How does the Old Testament set the stage for what occurs in the New Testament? Was Jesus consistent with or divergent from the Old Testament when he taught on the afterlife? How did the Hebrews differ from their surrounding neighbors concerning death and the dead? This episode helps us to see how divergent Jesus was in his person, teachings, and actions.