All tagged Proverbs

189 Science-Y Stuff (2) Wisdom and DNA

What elements comprise a cell? How many human cells are there? What does the complexity of a cell suggest about the origins of life on earth? How many scientific articles explain life's beginnings from a bio-molecular level? What does Scripture say about wisdom and creation? Is God an artistic show off? In this episode I weave together biblical wisdom and scientific evidence to help explore the wonders of life itself. Come laugh and pray with me!

042 Are All Sins Equal?

Christians commonly believe that all sins are equal, but does the Bible teach that? Did Jesus teach that? Why does God command harsher punishments for some crimes/sins than others? Why did Jesus say there would be greater punishments in the life to come for some sins more so than others? In the eyes of God, is lust equal to rape? In Roman Catholicism, what are mortal and venial sins?