All tagged Paul

186 The Virgin Birth, Why Does it Matter?

What does the New Testament teach us about the virginal conception of Jesus? Was the event God-initiated or Mary-initiated? What are some theological ramifications of his birth, especially for being human? What did the very first Christians believe about all of that? Why does it matter today? And what, especially, seems to prevent belief in Jesus' birth today?

143 Wait, What? (6) Did Paul corrupt Jesus' simple message and construct Christianity?

A now-common take: Paul corrupted the simple and loving message of Jesus. Jesus was about care of neighbor while Paul infected that ethic with religion. So Paul is the one who established traditional, and now passé, Christianity. But was Paul really different from Jesus? How was Paul true to Jesus? The answers could build or wreck Christian faith. And my invisible conversation partner suggusts we publish a pink lettered bible: Jesus’ words about inclusion, diversity, tolerance and not hurting other people’s feelings all in pink.

The too-common Christian assertion is that in light of Jesus the Old Testament law is no longer effective, or necessary. But is that really what Jesus taught? Is that what the apostolic community espoused? Were Jesus and Paul the apostle on the same page about the OT law? Or furthermore, if those Old Testament laws are meaningful, how is that the case? What should Christians believe and do about the Law? (I also weigh in on the Joe Biden touching controversy.)

031 Paul—Romans, Corinthians, 1 Timothy

The apostle Paul in Romans 1 is quite pointed about the violation he witnessed in his Gentile context. What did he see? What did he mean? Was he consistent with Jewish teaching thereon? Was he concerned with temple prostitution? Was he worried about cultural violations? What in the world did Paul mean in these passages? Did he go beyond what Jesus had taught? Let’s consider a foundational passage for a Christian worldview on sexuality.