All tagged Origen

185 Angels at Advent? A Conversation with Michael Bozmarov

The Patristic world was both less opposed and less cut off from the supernatural world. MA student Michael Bozmarov shares with me the insights he learned writing a sizable paper on Ambrose of Milan's reflections. How are angels greater than us? In what ways are we greater than them? Why does God use angels? What can we learn from philosophy about angels? Come think with us about angels during Advent season!

The too-common Christian assertion is that in light of Jesus the Old Testament law is no longer effective, or necessary. But is that really what Jesus taught? Is that what the apostolic community espoused? Were Jesus and Paul the apostle on the same page about the OT law? Or furthermore, if those Old Testament laws are meaningful, how is that the case? What should Christians believe and do about the Law? (I also weigh in on the Joe Biden touching controversy.)

063 Heaven and Hell (13) Paul: Hell and Universalism

What did Paul teach about hell? Or did he at all? Did he, instead, promote universalism: that all will be saved in the end, no matter what? What is the constant basis for universalism? How do we process salvation in light of a first century Jewish mentality? How do Modernism and the human desire for mastery go hand-in-hand? What do I think about people who have bright lime-green hair?