All tagged Obergefell

301 Me: Hypocrite & Theologian, Why Biblical Influence Endures

What drove me to becoming a theologian? How did my youth play into that? What is the benefit of being a sinner? I also comment on several contemporary events including the Nordstream 2 pipeline explosion, the acquittal of Mark Houck, La County's deadliest-ever shooting, and local Spudlandia news stations' calls to end misinformation. If this epoch is the devil's punchbowl, what is our calling? Along the way I reflect on why it is that the bible endures, what is different about it compared to other books. Come think and laugh with me!

215 Nancy Pearcey Conversation—Comparing Postmodernism and Christianity on Personhood

In this interview with best selling author-theologian Nancy Pearcey we explore what has resulted from Christians having accepted a Postmodern framework for truth. How does that bent truth-frame mangle the issues of parental rights, human rights, sexuality, and abortion? How does today's gnosticism compare with ancient gnosticism? How is our current cultural trajectory mirroring pre-Nazi Germany? Why does beauty matter in Christian truth claims?

206 Mybody, Yourbody, WhatsAbody?—History

The SCOTUS Obergefell ruling of 2015 left behind a massive definitional vacuum: how should personhood be defined? How is it being defined? How does that ruling spill out of what people love? What are some profound implications resulting? What is rushing in to fill the vacuum created by the Obergefell ruling? Let's think together about our bodies and personhood.

175 The Cult of the Now (15) You, Me, and Us—Individualism

Across human history American culture is quite unique. Part of that novelty concerns the Founders' concerns to halt the ability of the state to rototill any and all opposition into the dirt of non-existence. What did they especially ensconce to slow the all-devouring state? Individualism. I explain why Marxists loathe individualism. More, I look at some biblical categories on the matter. This episode also looks into the future for where this cultural revolution may be headed.

Low churches do things that end up causing unnecessary problems. Why is that? Life is weird. And? "Sometimes when you win you lose." The Low church lowest common denominator approach of "appeal to the most possible without causing offense" isn't working. People are not hungry for vanilla. Gallup Poll says more people are leaving Church than ever before. In this fifth episode in my series I tell some personal stories and suggest some possible remedies.