All tagged Newbigin

334 RfYtB (7) Election—Israel as Proof for God

Election is a thoroughly biblical doctrine. Among many—Protestants especially—election goes to the matter of who is eternally saved, or not. But that's not where the Bible begins with the doctrine of election, and it's not even where Jesus began in his practice of election. No, instead? Election has to do with mission, being called to mission, and sharing in the mission of God's redemption of creation. With that formulation as a foundation, why then are the Jews so globally hated? Why, across all of written history, have the Jews been so targeted for pogrom, genocide, and Holocaust? And with that, why are the Jews so deeply hated and targeted for massacre today?

167 The Cult of the Now (7) Karl "helps" others

In this episode: why is the self-named anti-racism movement a false gospel? what is original sin in this new gospel? how does one get saved in this new false gospel? what kind of good things are going on despite our tumultuous era? why does this movement cherish grand gestures? how does Marxism consistently try to "help" people? why is there so much largesse involved in Marxism? And, what kind of things can Christians be doing to effect change? Come think and laugh with me.

006 Faith vs. Reason (5) The Bible's View of Reality

We are bombarded with daily instructions to doubt all of reality. Contrastingly, the Bible shows us that we simply must begin with faith. Jesus himself called for faith, faith in him and his message. But there can be no appeal greater than God himself, and in this episode I will explore the logic of why that is the case. In the end, believers are called to exhibit humble confidence or a confident humility. Oh, and I share some of my own faith-journey.

004 Faith vs. Reason (3) Is Science based on Pure Reason?

Are Scientists only objective? Is religious faith unusual? Well, we are taught daily that science is based on pure reason. But in this episode, following Michael Polanyi as our guide, I will show that actually science involves great subjectivity. Moreover, the doing of science involves trust, that is faith, risk, and commitment; qualities that are normally relegated to the world of religious faith.

003 Faith vs. Reason (2) Religion and Facts and Trust

The standard mantra goes, “faith is for religion, facts are for science.” But the truth is huge chunks of our everyday lives are lived by faith. You don't know how electricity works, but you trust the people who do, and you trust who built your appliances, wired your house. It takes faith to learn how to play the guitar. Faith, then, is not so unusual as we think. This episode also contains a movie review.

001 Why This Podcast?

The U.U.’s maiden voyage, this episode explains what the Uncensored Unprofessor, Dr. Ed Rybarczyk, intends for his podcasts. He gives explanations of why he's starting a podcast and why Christians, and other interested folk, need to think more deeply in our volatile historic era are given. Too many believers are afraid, or feel guilty, to express their doubts. Why is this? What can we do about it? Rybarczyk also discusses the topics he wants to cover in future episodes.