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373 Ref. vs. Arm. (11) Prior Grace vs. Human Agency

Across my last five or so episodes I've put enormous weight on human agency in understanding a biblical theology. This cast O' the pod, following Reformed vs. Arminian constructions and the priority of prevenient grace, emphasizes both the 'that' and the 'why' of God's revelation (the Gospel) being the premise of salvation. We cannot save ourselves; cannot be compassionate enough; cannot be intelligent enough; cannot make ourselves live forever; cannot resurrect ourselves. God—alone—is the premise, the life giver, the source of salvation. In the show's opening I work through Jesus' warning to the Laodiceans: the hot water they had piped-in from some 6 miles way was now tepid, just like them. They were pretending to be Christian. What is a possible contemporary parallel? Come laugh and think with me.