All tagged Ministry of Truth

295 Shotgun: St. Musk?, Archetypal Amy Grant

This show's four themes: a) Elon Musk, b) me being 61-and-a-half, c) how Anglicanism compares to Catholicism, and, d) Amy Grant's version of Christianity. Why do some want to nominate Elon Musk for American sainthood? What has been thrown into relief for me as I've been doing my daily bible readings from the church lectionary these last 5 years? How is Anglicanism different from Catholicism? And how does music star Amy Grant represent a massive cultural shift inside of low-church Christianity? What does her archetypal perspective do to Christian mission? Come think and laugh with me!

260 The Spiritual World (14) Warfare and Mission

Jesus' coming, contrary to so much bumper-stickery blather out there, was anything but peaceful. He came to do battle. Significantly, that battle was against "e"lohim who rule the nations. Jesus rejoiced as the 70 he sent out in his name drove out demons. And he enjoins our service in the Marine Corps of the Spirit to continue that battle. But for me? I get exhausted by the spirituality of warfare. So what do I do?

200 and the Great Cultural Washout

In this—my 200th public—episode I reflect on the state of my show and what it was like to leave a tenured professorship. I also carefully reflect on the nature of the Great Washout we are experiencing. How is it different from previous washouts? How is the clamor for diversity more truthfully a push for a monochrome uniformity? What does all this mean for the Church? Come laugh and think with me!

192 Science-Y Stuff (5) Creation ex nihilo and Light

How does the Bible compare to other explanations of the origins of the universe? Was the Bible aware of other such explanations? Why is the Bible's explanation truly logical and with what famous scientific theory does that align? And then, what is light? How fast does it travel? What does its dual nature suggest to us about reality, about ethics? What lessons cannot be inferred from studies about light? Come and wonder with me about the magic of our universe.