All tagged Michael Crichton

311 Secular vs. Sacred (1) Pulling Back the Curtain

Unaware, most Christians do life through a secular-sacred prism. We believe there are arenas that are isolated to the secular and others given to the sacred. Along similar lines we believe there things reserved for our minds to do and other, more private things, for our hearts to do. None of this is biblical and none of it is helpful. Most Christian colleges fall prey to this same schism and all politicians are chained to the secular-sacred split. In this ground-laying episode I clarify my own presuppositions and define important terms. Come think and laugh with me!

270 Climate Change (7) The Sun and Double-Speak

The constant public refrain is that humanity is destroying the planet, that we are the problem, that our presence is the single greatest driver of climate. But actually? The science doesn't go so neat and tidy in that direction. What about the power of the sun? What about our position in our galaxy? I also think with you about reducing inflation by spending $370 billion. What is going on? Why?

264 Climate Change (1) Science looks in the Mirror

Climate change, obviously, is tied to scientific method. But just what is scientific method? How is it different from technological advance? What kinds of things get in the way of increasingly better scientific knowledge? Why, for a show about theology, am I even taking a look at climate change? I also share a fun story from when I was in the 5th grade in Oregon's Willamette valley.