All tagged Lord's Supper

381 Jesus said. . . That?! (1) Eat My Flesh

The first episode in a new series, this cast o' the pod is about John 6:53, "unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you." What did Jesus mean by that? What does the chapter's context establish for us? What does the book of John establish for us? Was Jesus promoting cannibalism? What does Jesus say a few verses later that shines important light on his scandalous remark? Is Jesus teaching on the Lord's Supper here? Also in this episode, because the Lordship of Christ is not reserved for private matters, I briefly reflect on the Trump-Harris ABC tv interview.

263 The Spiritual World (16) Baptism and Eucharist

How should we understand water baptism and the Lord's supper? The answers—and the infighting—are myriad, depending upon the Church, denomination, pastor, or theologian. And me? I love theology! But the Paleo-Hebrew worldview moves the question of those two Christian rituals' purpose back to a root historical level. Jesus' own baptism thus becomes the model, the archetype for our own. I also reflect on actor Matthew McConaughey's recent presentation at the Whitehouse.