All tagged King

143 Wait, What? (6) Did Paul corrupt Jesus' simple message and construct Christianity?

A now-common take: Paul corrupted the simple and loving message of Jesus. Jesus was about care of neighbor while Paul infected that ethic with religion. So Paul is the one who established traditional, and now passé, Christianity. But was Paul really different from Jesus? How was Paul true to Jesus? The answers could build or wreck Christian faith. And my invisible conversation partner suggusts we publish a pink lettered bible: Jesus’ words about inclusion, diversity, tolerance and not hurting other people’s feelings all in pink.

078 World Religions (8) The Post Logical Religion

Historically what has come after Christianity? Logic? Dis-passionate reason? Or a new brand of religion? I argue it is the latter. It has its own dogma, its own Elect, and it is alarmingly self-righteous. One of the more fascinating aspects of post-religious religion is that it is ardently post-logical. You’d think that as a sophisticated ideology that post-Christian religion would be utterly committed to facts; herein lies the amazing irony. This thinking has moved beyond mere fideism and for all of its opposition to organized religion, it is not about thinking logically.