All tagged Joe Rogan

302 Who Hates the Atonement?, Relaxed Evangelism

My friends grew concerned when their church changed its vocabulary and stopped preaching both forgiveness of sin and Jesus as sacrificial Savior. It made me wonder, who hates the atonement and why? Was it really only St. Paul who emphasized Jesus' atoning death? In this episode I also discuss Adam Curry's presence on Joe Rogan's podcast, whether tolerance is a Christian virtue, recent revelations about January 6, and I share poignant things I've learned reading The Gulag Archipelago. Come think and laugh with me!

175 The Cult of the Now (15) You, Me, and Us—Individualism

Across human history American culture is quite unique. Part of that novelty concerns the Founders' concerns to halt the ability of the state to rototill any and all opposition into the dirt of non-existence. What did they especially ensconce to slow the all-devouring state? Individualism. I explain why Marxists loathe individualism. More, I look at some biblical categories on the matter. This episode also looks into the future for where this cultural revolution may be headed.