All tagged Gnosticism

302 Who Hates the Atonement?, Relaxed Evangelism

My friends grew concerned when their church changed its vocabulary and stopped preaching both forgiveness of sin and Jesus as sacrificial Savior. It made me wonder, who hates the atonement and why? Was it really only St. Paul who emphasized Jesus' atoning death? In this episode I also discuss Adam Curry's presence on Joe Rogan's podcast, whether tolerance is a Christian virtue, recent revelations about January 6, and I share poignant things I've learned reading The Gulag Archipelago. Come think and laugh with me!

215 Nancy Pearcey Conversation—Comparing Postmodernism and Christianity on Personhood

In this interview with best selling author-theologian Nancy Pearcey we explore what has resulted from Christians having accepted a Postmodern framework for truth. How does that bent truth-frame mangle the issues of parental rights, human rights, sexuality, and abortion? How does today's gnosticism compare with ancient gnosticism? How is our current cultural trajectory mirroring pre-Nazi Germany? Why does beauty matter in Christian truth claims?

206 Mybody, Yourbody, WhatsAbody?—History

The SCOTUS Obergefell ruling of 2015 left behind a massive definitional vacuum: how should personhood be defined? How is it being defined? How does that ruling spill out of what people love? What are some profound implications resulting? What is rushing in to fill the vacuum created by the Obergefell ruling? Let's think together about our bodies and personhood.

183 What is Christian Spirituality?

Spirituality means a kazillion diverse things today. But in the bible there are specific ways of framing what spirituality means. Variously the doctrines of creation, eschatology, and incarnation reveal what spirituality looks like through godly lenses. It's time for believers to process more biblically and less Gnostically on this important topic.