All tagged Double-speak

270 Climate Change (7) The Sun and Double-Speak

The constant public refrain is that humanity is destroying the planet, that we are the problem, that our presence is the single greatest driver of climate. But actually? The science doesn't go so neat and tidy in that direction. What about the power of the sun? What about our position in our galaxy? I also think with you about reducing inflation by spending $370 billion. What is going on? Why?

199 Cannonball Spray: Incoming from Cancel Culture

The battle to topple traditional American, and Judeo-Christian, culture is raging today through a dynamic I'm calling "disproportionate engagement." I offer some examples of how this is so: an unwitting tv Christian family gets played, confessions of a former Antifa member, the unabashed educational indoctrination system, and how even cartoons are being cancelled. At the show's conclusion I also offer four steps believers should be taking. Come laugh and think with me!