All tagged Dennis Prager

367 Reformed vs. Arminian (5) Election

The Reformed and Arminians agree that God predestined the elect, but they don't agree together who the elect are. They also don't agree on what God decreed about the reprobate (unbelievers). Frankly, they don't agree on several important things: God's power and whether He can (or does) limit himself; the levels of mystery at work in life; or the theological emphases that should guide the Christian perception of life. In this fifth episode I address, compare, and contrast all of those most consequential elements. And because the Lordship of Christ does not stop at the boundary of culture, a two-fold cultural reflection comprises the show's first segment: what is happening at my alma mater, Fuller Theological Seminary? And what is our reigning culture pressing down upon women? Why are young women, particularly, so unhappy? Why is our nation's birth-rate plunging? Why—are you kidding me?!—are young men attending church at greater ratios than young women? 

334 RfYtB (7) Election—Israel as Proof for God

Election is a thoroughly biblical doctrine. Among many—Protestants especially—election goes to the matter of who is eternally saved, or not. But that's not where the Bible begins with the doctrine of election, and it's not even where Jesus began in his practice of election. No, instead? Election has to do with mission, being called to mission, and sharing in the mission of God's redemption of creation. With that formulation as a foundation, why then are the Jews so globally hated? Why, across all of written history, have the Jews been so targeted for pogrom, genocide, and Holocaust? And with that, why are the Jews so deeply hated and targeted for massacre today?