All tagged Charismatics

286 Shotgun—Me vs. Evangelicals, Oregon Trail, Real Adam and Eve?

The podcasts are normally woven through by a theme. This is a series of mostly unrelated thoughts: where do I differ with Evangelicals? What did I learn and appreciate by reading two books about the Oregon trail? Did the human race really begin from one original pair? What do I yearn for everytime I see Caravaggio's painting of the "Emmaus Dinner"? Where do I experience the presence of God? What is science? I also share a couple funny memes I recently encountered.

004 Faith vs. Reason (3) Is Science based on Pure Reason?

Are Scientists only objective? Is religious faith unusual? Well, we are taught daily that science is based on pure reason. But in this episode, following Michael Polanyi as our guide, I will show that actually science involves great subjectivity. Moreover, the doing of science involves trust, that is faith, risk, and commitment; qualities that are normally relegated to the world of religious faith.