All tagged 81million Joe

301 Me: Hypocrite & Theologian, Why Biblical Influence Endures

What drove me to becoming a theologian? How did my youth play into that? What is the benefit of being a sinner? I also comment on several contemporary events including the Nordstream 2 pipeline explosion, the acquittal of Mark Houck, La County's deadliest-ever shooting, and local Spudlandia news stations' calls to end misinformation. If this epoch is the devil's punchbowl, what is our calling? Along the way I reflect on why it is that the bible endures, what is different about it compared to other books. Come think and laugh with me!

295 Shotgun: St. Musk?, Archetypal Amy Grant

This show's four themes: a) Elon Musk, b) me being 61-and-a-half, c) how Anglicanism compares to Catholicism, and, d) Amy Grant's version of Christianity. Why do some want to nominate Elon Musk for American sainthood? What has been thrown into relief for me as I've been doing my daily bible readings from the church lectionary these last 5 years? How is Anglicanism different from Catholicism? And how does music star Amy Grant represent a massive cultural shift inside of low-church Christianity? What does her archetypal perspective do to Christian mission? Come think and laugh with me!

285 Midterm Election and Culture-Soul

Jesus said, "you cannot serve both God and mammon." That is true for individuals, but it rings just as true for society. Where the heart is—personal and corporate— there will be the treasure. What we promote and vote for reveals the state of our culture's soul. A theological analysis of the mid-term election is made in order to help us understand both the world (and church) we now live in and the opportunity that is ours in Christ. Come laugh and think with me!