207 Confronting Death—A Conversation with Pastor Mitchell
213 Six Reasons Why I am Not Now Getting the C19 Vaccine
224 What Comprises a Christian Worldview? (3) Life
209 Mybody, Yourbody, WhatsAbody? (3) Christianity
227 What Comprises a Christian Worldview? (6) God (duh!) and his Power
150 How the Mouse snuck in—Disney and Christian Culture
146 The End of the World—Coronavirus Hysteria
163 The Cult of the Now (3) Pushing the Historical Pendulum with Marx
161 The Cult of the Now (1) Toppling Statues with Marx
164 The Cult of the Now (4) Morally Re-framing a Soft Coup
103 Why is the Church Sick? (4) What We Worship
089 Who is Jesus? (4) Miracles and Mystery
093 Who is Jesus? (8) Was He a Feminist?
114 The Common Good (2) Social Media Pornography
096 Who is Jesus? (11) The Meaning of Crucifixion
072 World Religions (2) Animism
051 Heaven and Hell (1) Death to the Afterlife
043 The Mark of a Christian
039 Worldview: The Past into the Present, with Dr. Austring
057 Heaven and Hell (7) Escha-what? Eschaton!
002 Faith vs. Reason (1) The Cartesian Quest for Certainty
001 Why This Podcast? For Whom am I doing the Show?
009 Faith vs. Reason (8) Reason Serving Faith
033 Homosexuality and Pastoral Suggestions
026 Brief Reflections on Intense Pain: What the Hell?