Jerry (the Earl of ) Stinger was my close buddy in college. Today he is a real estate agent in Washington state. More importantly he is a monthly patron, advisor, frequent critic of, and regular encouragement to, the Uncensored Unprofessor podcast. He particularly enjoys UU social and cultural commentary. Here are Jerry’s favorites with brief remarks.
001 Why This Podcast? Because Eddie’s dream started here.
027-036 SEXUALITY THROUGH BIBLICAL TEACHING SERIES. Honest, raw, contextual, historical, and timely for an era that is sexually confused.
070 I’m a Christian but I Grew Up in Church. What a great title!
080 Why is Jordan Peterson a Rock Star? A critical commentary on an influential social thinker.
088 Who is Jesus? (3) Invading Mordor. JR Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings is eclipsed only by one book, the Bible. Tolkien is a modern day marker of truth. Everything else should be viewed with suspicion. Ed intrigued my imagination with Jesus invading Satan’s territory.
134 2019 Year in U.U. Review, and 187 The Inconsistent Illogicalities of 2020. Love hearing how the U.U. reflects on the era in which we live.
149 Chasing the Dragon: More COVID Reflections. We need to think with our brains turned on about the Coronavirus pandemic.
161-176 THE CULT OF THE NOW SERIES. This entire series was outstanding! Christians do well to understand the history, philosophy, and affective undercurrents of Wokism.
201 Predictions about the Future. Right? Just where is all of this headed?
213 6 Reasons I am Not now getting the C19 Vaccine. What was it about 2020 and 2021 that exacerbated the climate swirling around vaccinations?
234 Job and Suffering (3) Jesus on Job's theology. The first 13 minutes where Ed explained the Biden Whitehouse and its refusal to change tack on different failing policies. . . we need more rational Christian thinking like this!